Thursday, 31 July 2014

The Sunset – at the fingertips!

In my first blog, I penned down (or should I say finger tipped) my thoughts on finger-painting the nature!

After a very colorful painting by the kids with their fingertips, I was thinking about different ways with which kids could practice this interesting technique more and more and get command on the fingers!

When kids dip their fingers in color, they learn many skills as a result, that includes -

  • Applying right pressure to paint a light or a dark picture. 
  • Quantity of color required to create a shape.  
  • Using right finger or thumb tip for the right shape and 
  • Applying right angles with fingers and arms to bring the life to the picture.
After my first attempt on helping children finger-painting the nature, I thought of bringing the Sunset at their fingertips. Children usually identify the sky with blue color and it was a right opportunity to introduce them to the colors of sky which could turn grey with dark clouds, orange at the dawn, black at night and blue during a clear day.

Children were super excited as they were amused by their newly found skill and interest in finger-painting. Let's see how they could bring the Sunset at their fingertips:
  • Primarily, understand how thick or thin your color is and how it spreads on your paper or canvas
  • Start spreading orange color for the background in no particular shape but using right pressure with your hands
  • Use dark black/brown to shape up the mountains. The mountain peak could be shaped up using the fingers and thumb.
  • Start shaping up a tree and its branches, again, in no particular shape. This will build confidence in your kid who is trying their hands and fingers on this Sunset picture.
  • For the background color, mix and use yellow, orange and red.
  • Use darker orange, yellow and red mixture to shape up the setting Sun behind the mountain
  • Small 'V' shaped strokes using little finger would help bringing life to the Sunset picture with birds flying
And the result is as beautiful as the kids who finger-painted this Sunset.

Explore more such wonders here.

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